Products >> Myriad Radio Software

Myriad Radio Software

Myriad is the UK's No.1 radio playout and automation system and can be found in more radio stations than any other system. Myriad is also used across the spectrum of radio broadcasters with our customer base including commercial, community, hospital, internet, student and school radio (see customer list). So the system included in your school radio package is the same technology as we supply to the rest of the radio industry.

Myriad in dual screen mode

But what is a playout system and why do you need one?

The playout system is the heart of a modern radio station. It is (usually) a computer system that is used to record, store and play all the audio content that will be used on your radio station. Think about it like a big, professional 'iTunes' with a whole bunch of fancy tools designed to make your radio station sound great without you needing to do too much work.

The Myriad playout system has been used in radio stations throughout the UK for more than a decade but it is still constantly evolving to provide intuitive, powerful features to enhance your stations sound. Myriad also allows you to easily extend your stations broadcast hours by offering great sounding automation to allow you to continue broadcasting even when everyone has gone home.

The key benefits of the Myriad system are:

  • All music and audio content is stored on the PC and is instantly available
    for playback at the touch of a button. Recorded audio is known as Carts.
  • Presenters can manually play Carts or setup sequences to play
  • Audio can be edited using the inbuilt SmoothEdit feature.
  • Full automation allows your system to run 24/7.
  • Powerful 'Find Cart' features help you find the audio you are looking
  • Programmes can be planned ready for on-air delivery.
  • 'Live Assist' mode makes presenting so easy, anyone can do it.
  • Powerful advanced features such as AutoHook and Sweeper allow radio novices
    to sound like pros.
  • System is used in hundreds of radio stations so it offers very real
    vocational training.
  • Intuitive interface can be customised to the presenters needs.
  • Schools get the same system that we supply to large commercial radio
  • Package includes a full range of supporting tools and products.
  • Package includes 2 additional licenses so more than one group can be working
    on Myriad at the same time.
  • The  Myriad Keyboard included allows you to control an entire radio show from
    one button!
  • Developed and supported in the UK by P Squared Ltd.

Myriad provides a simple, intuitive and customisable environment that will
become the hub for all of your radio station activities. All the music, jingles,
features and programmes that you create will be stored on the system and Myriad
will also be used for playing them on both live shows and automated

The Myriad Suite included in all of our School Radio packages actually has
all the software you will need to run your radio station. The list below
outlines the role of the software included in the Myriad Suite.

Myriad - Studio based playout and automation system.
Includes the Audio Wall, Instant Carts, SmoothEdit, Log Screen and Song / Link

Myriad Manager - Provides administration tools and
reports and lets you control how much access to your Myriad system each user

Myriad CD Ripping Module - Allows you to 'rip' audio from CD's
directly in to Myriad. The Myriad ripping module also performs a 'digital top',
normalisation and optional compression of the ripped audio and can scan your
Audio Wall for existing Carts with similar Title or Artists.

Myriad Emergency Recovery - If all else fails, this
utility allows you to configure Myriad's basic options even if Myriad itself can
not run.

PRS Report Generator - Produces comprehensive reports
for copyright agencies such as PRS, PPL and MCPS etc.

Log Import Wizard - For stations using third party
music  and advert scheduling systems such as Selector (tm) and

AutoTrack - Intelligent Music and Jingle scheduling
system. Includes basic Link scheduling for a complete station scheduling

Advanced Advert Manager - Offers simple advert scheduling facilities
for stations with less demanding traffic needs.

OCP - Provides 'live' updates including text, links
and pictures to web and WAP sites as well as text info to Digital Radio (DAB)

Voice / Segue Editor - This adds 'voice tracking' and segue editing
capabilities to your standard Myriad system. This allows you to simply and
efficiently add live sounding 'voice' links to your automated output and to fine
tune the automation to the way you want it to sound.

Podcast Creator - Turn your recordings in to Podcasts with
the simple and intuitive tool.

You will find a lot more information on Myriad on the main P Squared website
which is

Request a No Obligation Quote Now

Myriad is the UK's No.1 radio playout and automation system and can be found in more radio stations than any other system. Myriad is also used across the spectrum of radio broadcasters with our customer base including commercial, community, hospital, internet, student and school radio (see customer list). So the system included in your school radio package is the same technology as we supply to the rest of the radio industry.

Complete Software Suite From £99 + VAT Per Calendar Month

"I felt really proud when my Mum heard me on the radio."

Yr 8 Student - Meopham School

Benefits of School Radio

  • A More Inclusive School

    A School Radio station run by the students and for the students will help build an inclusive a... Read More

  • Increase Vocational Skills

    Despite the ease of use, the Myriad software (included in all of our SR range packages) is not... Read More

  • Develop Communication

    Radio is about speaking and listening. Whether you are presenting or just listening to a show,... Read More

  • Improve Literacy

    Seems strange to be talking about writing skills in radio but the first time a student looks a... Read More

  • National Curriculum

    Aside from being a lot of fun, School Radio also helps schools and academies to supplement lea... Read More

  • Build Confidence

    Most people find talking to 'mic' in a closed room far less intimidating than appearing o... Read More

  • Giving Students A Voice

    School Radio offers a platform for your students to discuss the issues that matter to them in ... Read More

  • Teamwork

    School Radio can be used as both a learning aid and a communication tool by all the department... Read More

Requirements for Myriad Radio Software

Windows 10 Pro PC


i3 Processor (or higher)

MS SQL Express 2016

Multi-Channel Soundcard