The Studio User Guide is a 168 pages full colour document covering all the technical aspects of your School Radio studio. Based on our more popular packages, the manual covers what all the knobs, buttons and switches do in simple, non-technical language.
The Studio User Guide covers all the essential information about the equipment included in your School Radio studio include a guide to the mixing desks and what all the knobs and buttons do,
Other equipment you have in your package is also covered to give you a clear overview of what everything does and the key things you need to know to operate it.
Your software is also covered by the Studio User Guide with walkthroughs on all of the key tasks you will need such as recording and editing elements, compiling shows and creating podcasts.
Finally, the manual provides information about addition information about customising and using the School Radio Player and how to add content and live streams.
Also available in hardback printed edition - buy your copy for £30+pp
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