News >> Literacy & Social Mobility19-01-2018

Literacy & Social Mobility

As part of the UK governments plan to improve Social Mobility through education, they recently announced ambitions to close the 'word gap' through a focus on literacy in key stages 1-2.

As a tool for improving literacy, communication and speaking and listening skills, School Radio has a long track record of success. There are inherent links between School Radio and communication skills and planning and recording School Radio content can directly meet literacy goals set out in the national curriculum. Many of our Premium Resource Kits do exactly that by linking practical advice on generating content with key goals and stautory aims within the English National Curriculum.

The government's second 'ambition' for improving social mobility is to close the 'attainment gap' to ensure all young people have the same opportunities regardless of background. Again School Radio is a great way build inclusion in the school as it provides a platform for discussing key issues and interests regardless of technical or academic skill level.

We have put togetehr a quick summary of how School Radio could work to close the word and attainment gaps as well as how a typical School Radio show could directly meet multiple Literacy goals.

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